Running Pacing Chart for 5k, 10k, Half, and Full Marathon

I have been looking at training plans for 10k and half marathon runs, and they all quote minutes per kilometre or minutes per mile paces. Looking at it the other way, I want to know what pace do I (or any other runner) have to maintain in order to achieve a particular 5k, 10k, half, or full marathon time?

There are many charts and tables online, but they tend to be in 5 or 10 minute pace increments (4m 40s, 4m 50s, 5m 00s, etc per km) which is not much help when I for example want to bring my 10k time down from 51 minutes to 48 minutes. Therefore, I cobbled together a quick printable sheet of pacing times which I can use to calculate my race time goals, and also to quickly see what my measured pace from training runs corresponds to if maintained constantly for various distances.

Click on the chart below to view in full size. Right-click (Windows) to save the image for printing.