Running Summary March 2021

During the month of March 2021, I ran 11 times for a total distance of 123.54km with an average run distance of 11.23 km. The longest run was 15.19 km. No walk breaks were taken all month.

The chart below shows that as of today (April 1st), I have run 341.56 km during 2021, and I am therefore 65% ahead of my 2019 running distance by the same date. I have already run further in the first three months of 2021 than I managed to run by mid-August in 2020.
Continuing at this rate, my target of 1,000 km for 2021 should be easily achievable, and a total of 1,000 miles for 2021 is possible.

Below is a chart to show the distances of each of my runs during March 2021. The WMA grading (quality of run measurement taking into account runner age, distance, and time) for each run is also shown together with the WMA rank of each run in [ ]. The three ‘best’ runs are highlighted in red.

The column below shows the speed in km/h of each run, with those below 11km/h in green, those exceeding 11km/h in red or orange. The red runs are those of >11km/h speed and >10km distance (which I am targeting). I managed three such runs in an 8-day period of March 2021 compared to a grand total of three for the whole of 2020 (two of which were in December 2020). I also did three in February and two in January 2021 for a total of 8 for the first quarter of 2021.

My speed was increasing through the month, but for the last two runs I started to incorporate some steep hills instead of running on the flat, so this brought down the average speed for those runs.

Looking at a similar chart below for Dec 2020 – Mar 2021 (click to view at full resolution), the last two months compared to the previous two months saw more longer faster runs, more speed overall, but fewer long distance runs.